IJSP Number 4, 2022
3 International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy About the journal The International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy (IJSP) is the official journal of the Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological Counselling and Clinical Supervision (IPCS, www.ipcs-psy.com) and it promotes the publication of original papers, studies, articles presenting the supervision activity of peer independent psychotherapists and of supervisees. This material desires to help practitioners by stimulating the writing of papers, articles, studies from the practical and theoretical fields, of novice and of experienced psychotherapists. The International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy , published once a year, intents to present new data from the clinical supervision domain. The journal allows readers to read and download the papers in an open access format from its official website: www.ijsp.eu. The scope is to promote new clinical supervision models and to encourage the practitioner ’ s reflection on the clinical supervision process. The Journal has been indexed by CrossRef and has the DOI code: 10.47409/ijsp, and a DOI code associated to each paper published. The Journal has also been indexed in the ICI Journals Master List database for 2020, the Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for 2020 being 67.72. EDITOR IN CHIEF: Vîşcu Loredana-Ileana PhD, Prof. European Association of Integrative Psychotherapy (EAIP) The Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological Counselling and Clinical Supervision (IPCS) “Tibiscus” University of Timisoara, Romania loredana.viscu@gmail.com ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Watkins Clifton Edward Jr. PhD, Prof. University of North Texas, Denton, USA The Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological Counselling and Clinical Supervision (IPCS), Romania Cornean Cornelia-Ecaterina Translator and interpret The Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological Counselling and Clinical Supervision (IPCS), Romania